I started working with a personal trainer at the request of my husband who himself had started working with a personal trainer. I agreed to work with him because I wanted to be cooperative – not because I felt I needed it. In my mind, I felt that I could run a mile whenever I chose. I felt that gaining a little bit of weight every year wasn’t such a big deal – it was the price of age and enjoying food. I was 58 after all. I was content to give away clothes and say, “I’ll never fit into that again.”
Was I ever wrong.
Once I started working out with a trainer, I was committed. I found the accountability crucial. After all, I had paid for multiple years of gym fees and had NEVER gone to the gym but the appointment and the fact that I had paid for a training sessions really helped me stay on track. And, I found I was in worse shape than I had thought. (Denial is a powerful defense mechanism!). I was weak and overweight by over 20 pounds.
I wanted to get every dollars’ worth out of the personal training program so I started limiting my intake and lo and behold – it worked. Between the exercise and my eating better (and less) within a few months (it took me seven) I had lost those 20 pounds and achieved a lifetime goal – running a half-marathon every step of the way.
I’ll never forget the feeling of accomplishment. The excitement of actually saying I could run 13.1 miles without stopping.
So, no, weight gain and loss of muscle and strength are NOT inevitable. You can keep the clothes you love. I learned that if I want a healthy, long life, I can achieve it through working out and eating well and I am truly grateful to my trainers.
Here I am, almost 11 years later and I’m still focused on keeping the weight off and staying fit. I’ve learned that we all want to live long lives – but we want to live long healthy lives – with a good quality of life. Exercise and eating right (not perfect by any means) can really pay off.
Patricia Cantu